Perfect Korean Purple Rice Every Time (In a Rice Cooker)

Korean Purple Rice Recipe

Korean Purple Rice recipe is a unique type of rice that stands out for its deep purple hue and nutty, almost creamy flavor. While most rice varieties are white or brown, Korean Purple Rice derives its striking purple color from its high anthocyanin content. Anthocyanins are antioxidant compounds that provide the rice with a sweet, nutty taste and chewy texture.

The flavors and textures of Korean Purple Rice lend themselves perfectly to classic Korean rice dishes. The subtle sweetness pairs nicely with savory proteins and banchan side dishes. The soft, sticky texture also holds together well in rice balls, porridge, and more. Any fan of Korean cuisine will want to try out this colorful rice variety.

In this guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know to cook delicious Korean Purple Rice at home, from ingredients to tools and step-by-step instructions. Let’s explore the fantastic flavors of this unique rice.

Ingredients and Equipment

Korean Purple Rice Recipe
Korean Purple Rice Recipe

Korean Purple Rice can be purchased at most Asian grocery stores or online retailers that specialize in Asian ingredients. Look for bags labeled as Korean Black Rice, Forbidden Rice, or High Anthocyanin Rice. When selecting your rice, examine the grains to ensure they have a deep purple hue. Avoid any bags with broken grains or a faded color.

A few essential tools will make cooking Korean Purple Rice easy. A rice cooker is highly recommended, as it perfectly steams the rice and prevents burning on the bottom. Models with fuzzy logic technology adjust cooking time and temperature to ensure tender grains. Nonstick inner pots also help reduce sticking. Beyond a rice cooker, you’ll also need a fine mesh strainer, rice paddle, and storage containers.

Korean Purple Rice Recipe (In a Rice Cooker)

Follow these simple steps for foolproof Korean Purple Rice every time:


  • Rinse the rice by placing in a fine mesh strainer and running under cool water while gently swirling the grains. This removes excess starch for fluffy grains.
  • Drain the rice well and transfer to the rice cooker inner pot.


  • For every 1 cup of Korean Purple Rice, add 1 1/4 cups water. The rice expands more than white rice during cooking.
  • Allow the rice to soak for 30 minutes before cooking if possible. This boosts the rice’s sweetness.
  • Turn on the rice cooker and select the appropriate setting, typically the “mixed” or “sweet” program for purple rice.
  • Do not open the lid during the cooking process. This allows the rice to steam properly.
  • Cooking takes roughly 25-30 minutes. When finished, allow the rice to rest for 10 minutes before opening.


  • Fluff the finished rice with a paddle or wooden spoon. This prevents clumping.
  • Quickly transfer the rice to a serving dish or storage container. Leaving the rice in the cooker leads to excess sticking.
  • Enjoy the Korean Purple Rice immediately or let cool completely before refrigerating.

Serving Suggestions

The flavorful taste and chewy bite of Korean Purple Rice pair well with all sorts of Korean dishes. Some smart ways to serve it include:

  • Bibimbap – Mixed rice topped with sauteed veggies and a fried egg
  • Dolssang – A bed of rice topped with beef brisket or other braised meats
  • Jumeokbap – Rice shaped into logs with various fillings like chicken, shrimp, or kimchi
  • Oksusu cha – Sweet purple rice tea made from soaked grains

Don’t limit yourself to savory pairings either. The natural sweetness of purple rice makes it ideal for desserts too:

  • Injeolmi – Sweet rice cakes coated in crushed beans
  • Yaksik – Sweet rice cake made with honey, nuts, and dried fruit
  • Sikhye – Sweet rice punch flavored with ginger and pine nuts
  • Songpyeon – Filled rice cakes in shapes like half moons or flowers

Is Korean purple rice healthy?

Korean Purple Rice Recipe

Yes, Korean purple rice offers many health benefits:

  • Rich in anthocyanins that act as antioxidants and anti-inflammatories
  • More protein, fiber and nutrients than white rice varieties
  • May boost heart health by reducing LDL cholesterol
  • Linked to lower risk of certain cancers due to antioxidants
  • Helps control blood sugar thanks to high fiber content
  • Provides iron, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc and B vitamins
  • Naturally gluten free, making it safe for those with celiac disease

Overall, Korean purple rice is praised as a healthy alternative to white rice that provides essential vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber. The striking purple grains make it easy to incorporate into any rice-based meal.

FAQs About Korean Purple Rice Recipe

Why is purple rice called forbidden rice?

Purple rice is called forbidden rice because in ancient China it was grown exclusively for emperors and forbidden for common people to eat. The rice gets its purplish-black color from its high anthocyanin content.

Can I eat purple rice every day?

You can eat purple rice daily as part of a balanced diet, but moderation is recommended as with any single food. Eating too much of any one food can lead to nutrient imbalances. Enjoy purple rice as a side dish or ingredient a few times a week.

Is purple rice anti-inflammatory?

Yes, purple rice has anti-inflammatory properties. The anthocyanin antioxidants in purple rice help reduce inflammation. Some research suggests it may be helpful for inflammatory conditions.

Is purple rice high in carbs?

Yes, purple rice is relatively high in carbohydrates like most rice varieties. A 1⁄4 cup serving of cooked purple rice contains about 26 grams of total carbs, with 20 grams being starch or complex carbs. The glycemic index is moderate, around 59. In moderation, it can be part of healthy diet for most people.

Conclusion: Korean Purple Rice Recipe

With its enticing purple color and sweet, nutty essence, Korean Purple Rice is a delicious alternative to everyday white rice. Follow the tips in this guide for properly preparing this unique grain. From bibimbap to rice cakes, Korean Purple Rice can elevate any dish. Embrace the brilliant purple hues and signature flavors of this tasty rice on your table soon.

Hello! I’m Christine Ha – a food nerd in love with eating, cooking, photography, science, and culture.

Vietnamese food was always on the table when I was a kid, but I didn’t really care for it until my late teens (what a waste!). I was a super picky eater and mostly just wanted fast food. Somewhere down the line I flipped a switch, and now home-cooked food is something I appreciate so much more. ⮕About me

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