Delicious Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe in Minutes (Easy)

Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe

Buttery seasoned rice recipe is the ultimate crowd-pleasing side dish. The combination of fluffy, tender rice with melted butter and aromatic seasonings is simply irresistible. This versatile rice pairs well with a variety of entrees, from juicy grilled chicken to succulent roasted meats. The rich, buttery flavor also makes it a satisfying meal all on its own.

So what makes this rice recipe so delicious? It all comes down to choosing the right ingredients and proper cooking techniques to draw out the incredible flavors. Long-grain white rice varieties like jasmine or basmati are ideal for retaining fluffiness and preventing oversticking. High-quality butter provides a rich, velvety texture and flavor. And spices like garlic, onion, and parsley give it a savory depth.

While this rice is easy to whip up, there are some key steps to follow. Properly preparing the rice by rinsing and soaking ensures fluffy, separate grains after cooking. Adding the butter at just the right time allows it to fully incorporate for rich flavor in each bite. Serving the rice immediately after cooking prevents the butter from soaking in too much and making the rice greasy.

When made correctly, buttery seasoned rice is the perfect starchy yet buttery complement to complete any meal. So read on to learn the secrets behind making this incredible crowd-pleaser.

Ingredients and Equipment

Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe
Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe

Rice Selection

The type of rice you select is crucial for achieving the signature fluffy, tender texture of buttery seasoned rice. Long-grain white rices like jasmine and basmati are ideal choices. Their elongated grains cook up light and separate. Short-grain rices like arborio would yield a creamier, stickier rice more suited for risottos.

Jasmine and basmati rice impart a faint floral aroma and popcorn-like flavor that pairs nicely with butter’s richness. Opt for white over brown rice since the bran layer on brown rice gives it a more pronounced grainy texture.

Butter Quality

High-quality butter makes all the difference for flavor and texture. Opt for pure butter without vegetable oils or substitutes. Higher fat European-style butters like Plugrá offer an ultra-rich, creamy depth.

Salted and unsalted butter will both work well, so choose based on your taste preferences. If using salted butter, you may want to adjust any added salt in the seasoning to prevent over-salting.

Essential Tools

To prepare fluffy, individual rice grains, you’ll need:

  • Large pot with lid – Allows rice to cook evenly while steaming. Stainless steel or nonstick work well.
  • Fine mesh strainer or colander – Rinsing the rice of excess starch helps prevent sticking.
  • Wooden spoon for stirring – Gentler than metal to keep rice grains intact.
  • Measuring cups and spoons – Precise rice-to-water ratios are vital.
  • Kitchen timer – Ensures perfect cooking time without over or undercooking.
  • Heat-resistant rubber spatula – Makes it easy to incorporate butter smoothly.

Specialty Tools

While not essential, the following tools can streamline the process:

  • Rice cooker – Takes the guesswork out of cooking times and temperatures.
  • Rice washing bowl – Helps efficiently rinse multiple batches of rice.
  • Rice paddle or wooden paddle – Gently folds in butter without breaking grains.

Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe

Rice Prep

Properly preparing the dry rice is the first key step.

  1. Place rice in a fine mesh strainer and rinse under cool running water, swishing grains with your hand. This removes excess surface starch for fluffier grains.
  2. Allow rice to drain completely. Transfer to a bowl and cover with cool water. Let soak for 15-30 minutes to allow grains to rehydrate.
  3. Drain rice in the strainer again before cooking.

Cooking the Rice

Next, cook the rice using the absorption method:

  1. Add drained rice and fresh cool water to a pot. Use a 1:1.5 rice to water ratio. The water should be about 1 inch above the rice line.
  2. Bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce heat to low, cover and simmer for 15-18 minutes. Don’t lift the lid during this time.
  3. After cooking time, remove from heat and let stand 5 minutes to continue steaming.
  4. Fluff rice gently with a fork. The grains should be fully cooked but still retain a chewy bite.

Incorporating Butter and Seasoning

The final step infuses the rice with rich, buttery flavor:

  1. Melt the butter in a small saucepan or microwave until just melted.
  2. Pour melted butter over the hot cooked rice. Add any dried herbs like parsley now as well.
  3. Gently fold butter through rice using a rubber spatula or rice paddle. Ensure even coverage.
  4. Add any fresh herbs, garlic, or spices on top. The heat from the rice will lightly wilt and infuse herbs.
  5. Cover rice and let steam 2 minutes more off heat. This allows flavors to fully absorb.
  6. Fluff once more before serving. Rice is best served immediately for optimal texture.

Serving Suggestions

Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe

Buttery seasoned rice pairs wonderfully with an array of dishes:

  • Grilled or roasted chicken – The savory rice balances the juicy, tender chicken.
  • Hearty beef stews – The buttered rice soaks up the rich stew flavors.
  • Seafood dishes like shrimp or fish – The rice complements the light seafood without overpowering.
  • Spicy curries – The buttery rice helps mellow out fiery curries.
  • Vegetable sides like roasted asparagus or greens – The rice rounds out the produce’s fresh flavors.
  • Stir fries – After stir-frying meat and veggies, serve over hot cooked buttered rice.

Some creative serving suggestions include:

  • Stir in diced vegetables like peas, carrots or corn just before serving for color and crunch.
  • Top with extra herbs, nuts or shredded cheese for texture and bursts of flavor.
  • Make stuffed peppers, cabbage rolls or stuffed squash with buttery rice as the filling.
  • Use buttered rice as a bed for poached or sunny-side up eggs at breakfast.

The possibilities are endless for this crowd-pleasing rice!

FAQs About Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe

What can I mix with rice to make it taste better?

There are many ingredients you can mix with rice to add flavor. Some popular options are:

  1. Cook rice in broth or stock instead of water. Chicken, beef or vegetable broth will impart more flavor.
  2. Add onions, garlic, spices, herbs or sautéed vegetables. Common additions are onions, carrots, peas, corn, garlic, cilantro, etc.
  3. Stir in healthy fats after cooking. Try butter, olive oil, sesame oil or coconut oil with a bit of salt and pepper.
  4. Mix in grated cheese, especially parmesan, cheddar or feta. The cheese will melt slightly and add richness.

Is it better to cook rice with butter or oil?

It’s generally better to cook rice in oil rather than butter. Butter can burn at the high temperatures needed to boil rice, while oil has a higher smoke point. Olive oil, vegetable oil, or coconut oil work well.

How much butter for 1 cup of rice?

For 1 cup of uncooked rice, use about 1 tablespoon of butter. The small amount will flavor the rice without making it overly rich or greasy. You can adjust to taste based on how pronounced you want the butter flavor.

Conclusion: Buttery Seasoned Rice Recipe

With high-quality ingredients and proper technique, you can make restaurant-worthy buttery seasoned rice at home. Perfectly cooked, fluffy rice combined with melted butter and aromatics creates a simple yet decadent side. This rice complements everything from grilled meats to curries and stir fries. With a few easy tricks for preparing the rice and incorporating the butter, you’ll have this crowd-pleaser on regular rotation.

Hello! I’m Christine Ha – a food nerd in love with eating, cooking, photography, science, and culture.

Vietnamese food was always on the table when I was a kid, but I didn’t really care for it until my late teens (what a waste!). I was a super picky eater and mostly just wanted fast food. Somewhere down the line I flipped a switch, and now home-cooked food is something I appreciate so much more. ⮕About me

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