Simple Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)

Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)
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Bibingka recipe is a baked Filipino treasure, creamy and cozy as a rice cake can be. Topped with salty eggs and coconutty Latik, this sweet breakfast treat reflects the unique blend of Spanish and native influences in Filipino cuisine.

Bibingka stars at the iconic Simbang Gabi Christmas dawn masses. Its satisfying blend of rice flour, eggs, and coconut milk provides sustenance for early risers. Mastering this classic is a celebration of Filipino food heritage.

In this guide, we’ll demystify Bibingka from ingredients to cooking tips. With some rice flour, coconut milk, and a hot oven, you’ll soon be whipping up this iconic rice cake. Let’s get baking.

Ingredients and Equipment

Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)
Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)

Quality components ensure the best Bibingka. Here’s what you’ll need:

Essential Rice Flour

  • Glutinous rice flour – Gives Bibingka its soft, sticky texture. Don’t substitute regular rice flour.

Egg Power

  • Eggs – Whole eggs add richness. Salted duck eggs on top provide flavor.

Coconutty Goodness

  • Coconut milk – Adds a luscious creaminess and tropical flavor.
  • Latik – Caramelized coconut milk that crisps into a topping with crunch.


  • Sugar – White sugar balances out the other strong flavors.
  • Salt – A pinch provides an important contrast to the sweetness.
  • Butter or oil – Adds moistness to the rice flour.


  • Oven – for baking the Bibingka. Electric convection ovens are ideal.
  • Pan or dish – Traditionally Bibingka bakes directly in greased pans.
  • Mixing bowl & spoon – To combine the Bibingka batter before baking.
  • Stovetop & pan – For cooking the Latik topping.

Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)

Follow these steps for flawless Bibingka every time:

Make the Batter

  • Whisk eggs and sugar until light and fluffy. This incorporates air into the batter.
  • Add coconut milk, melted butter, and salt. Mix well.
  • Fold in rice flour gradually just until fully incorporated. Don’t overmix.

Bake the Cake

  • Grease pan liberally and pour in batter.
  • Bake at 375°F for 30-45 minutes until set. Rotate pan halfway through.
  • The center should remain moist while the edges are firm and pulling away from the pan.

Finish with Toppings

  • Combine and cook coconut milk and sugar to make Latik topping.
  • Spread Latik overBibingka and top with salted duck eggs.
  • Broil 2-3 minutes until lightly browned and crispy.

Allow Proper Cooling

  • Bibingka needs an hour to cool and finish setting before cutting.
  • Resist digging in too soon or the rice cake will fall apart!

Serving Suggestions

Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)
Bibingka Recipe (Filipino Baked Coconut Rice Cakes)

Bibingka is best enjoyed with:

  • Coffee or hot chocolate – Warm, rich drinks complement Bibingka perfectly.
  • Fruit preserves or jams – Pineapple jam or strawberry jam add a delicious twist.

Some creative ways to use Bibingka:

  • Layer it parfait-style with whipped cream and fruits
  • Fold into an ice cream base for a Filipino-inspired flavor
  • Stack slices with chantilly cream as a cake

FAQs About Bibingka Recipe

How long will bibingka last?

Properly stored bibingka will typically last 3-4 days at room temperature. The rice cake is best consumed fresh, but refrigeration can extend its shelf life up to a week. Freezing is not recommended as it alters the texture.

Are bibingka and biko the same?

Bibingka and biko are similar but not the same. Both are made from glutinous rice and coconut milk. However, bibingka is cooked in a banana leaf-lined pan or oven, giving it a distinctive appearance and enhanced flavor from the leaf. Biko is steamed in a mold which results in a stickier, denser texture compared to the fluffier bibingka.

Is bibingka healthy?

Bibingka can be a relatively healthy snack or breakfast option in moderation. Glutinous rice has a low glycemic index, meaning it won’t spike blood sugar as quickly compared to white rice. Coconut milk contains healthy fats. Avoid adding too much butter or cheese topping to keep it balanced. Portion control is key due to its high caloric density.

Conclusion: Bibingka Recipe

Perfect Bibingka requires quality glutinous rice flour, fresh eggs, rich coconut milk, and time to properly bake and cool. Top with salty eggs and nutty Latik for the complete experience. Savor this baked treat with coffee for a taste of Filipino tradition.

Some other iconic Filipino desserts to try your hand at next are leche flan, cassava cake, and halo-halo. Bibingka is the ideal gateway to the sweet and comforting spirit of Filipino baking. I hope you find as much joy in making this classic rice cake as I have. Happy Bibingka baking! Let me know if you have any other questions.

Hello! I’m Christine Ha – a food nerd in love with eating, cooking, photography, science, and culture.

Vietnamese food was always on the table when I was a kid, but I didn’t really care for it until my late teens (what a waste!). I was a super picky eater and mostly just wanted fast food. Somewhere down the line I flipped a switch, and now home-cooked food is something I appreciate so much more. ⮕About me

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